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Planning Board Minutes 11/30/09
November 30, 2009 Meeting/Site Walk

7:00 AM  Site Walk

Location: Valley Lane

Scott Burnside (Chairman-Planning Board)
C.R. Willeke (Vice-Chair Planning Board)
Jesse Lazar (Alternate-Planning Board)
David DuBois (Alternate-Planning Board)
Sandy Snow (Planning Board)
Peter Moore (Town Planner)
John Rafuse (Valley Lane Resident)

Valley Lot Line Adjustment and Road Improvement – Planning Department Case 2009-09PB

The Planning Board met at the cul-de-sac at the end of Valley Lane to inspect the staked lay-out of the proposed hammer-head turn-around that Mr. Todd had reviewed with the Planning Board at the November 15, 2009 meeting.

The lay-out of the travel area and boundary set-backs for the hammer-head looked of sufficient size as indicated by the ground control stakes placed the previous week indicating each.

The following comments/concerns were noted during review of the hammer-head area:
1.      Back edge right (southeast corner) of hammer-head area will have to be brought up approximately 2’ from existing grade.
2.      Back edge left and  left side (southwest and west side respectively), proposed to be brought to elevation about 10’ from existing grade, and to achieve the required 3:1 slope will require fill out from west edge approximately 80’ from top of proposed grade to toe of the slope.
3.      It appears that there will be some wetland disturbance on the west side of hammer-head with the required fill to 80’.  This will likely require wetlands delineation prior to moving forward, and potentially a Special Use Permit from the Planning Board, in accordance with procedural requirements of the Site Plan Review Regulations and RSA 676:4. (It was noted as a possibility that if the entire hammer-head could be shifted to a point further south into the Tucker-Rafuse property that less impact may result).
4.      The proposed drainage area (drainage easement) at the northeast corner of the proposed hammer-head, adjacent to the Rafuse driveway entrance, and continuing along up that driveway on its north side, appears to be lower than the proposed replacement culvert which is indicated where Valley Lane enters into the proposed hammer-head.

The board members present then walked up Valley Lane to review the ground control stakes placed for demarcation of proposed drainage easement/s, proposed road realignment, proposed movement of utility/s, etc.

1.      It was noted that the proper construction for a Class V road in Antrim requires 24” of bank-run gravel, topped with 6” of crushed gravel. The base depth was not evident from site walk, and test borings or diggings would be required by the applicant of their designated representative, to determine both depth and quality of substrate.
2.      The travel surface proposed on the preliminary plat indicates varying widths from 17’3” – 18’2”. The acceptable standard for Class V roads in Antrim is 18’ with a 2’ shoulder on each side.
3.      The 11.1 % grade on the slope down to the cul-de-sac does not raise concerns initially (standard is a maximum 10 % grade),  however it might be advisable to pave the road on this slope to prevent erosion over time.
4.       It was noted that utility pole 22D 2-1 may be moved, and it appears that utility pole 22D 2-2 should also be considered to be moved further away from the proposed road alignment.
5.      The 12” culvert at the junction of Elm Ave and Valley Lane may need to be replaced with a larger diameter culvert, and the sub-surface corrugated drainage pipe that runs along the south side along the bank also needs replacement. The consultant engineer should review the culvert at this site, as well as others on Valley Lane and at the proposed hammerhead,

In discussion at the scene about what the options for the applicant/s were, it was considered that if the applicant chose to move forward with the proposed hammerhead and the road improvement that a Town of Antrim Road Performance Guarantee Estimate Worksheet would have to be completed by the TOA engineer. Also, if and when engineering drawings for the project are submitted, the Board would reserve the right to have their designated representative review the plans, also at the expense of the applicant.

No further discussion was held. A copy of these minutes will be provided for Mr. Robert Todd, for his information and further consideration upon acceptance by the Planning Board. The Planning Board has Mr. Todd scheduled for the December 17, 2009, a continuance of the public meeting held on November 19, 2009.

Respectfully submitted, Peter Moore, on behalf of the Planning Board

Minutes accepted as read and with changes by Antrim Planning Board December 3, 2009.